About Me

Hello!  I am Kate Boston and I have been working as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), cultivating plates throughout the country since 2009.

I am:

  • a food and nutrition guru
  • a health and fitness enthusiast
  • always excited to try new foods
  • a mom, wife and cultivator of many plates
  • working to share nutrition education and wellness
  • happiest helping others live the lives they crave

My Philosophy

My philosophy in nutrition and life is simple and sincere, be your best self today. Nutritional wellness isn’t about perfection; it’s about understanding what our bodies need to thrive and providing the necessary fuel and nutrients to live our best. Who we are, what we do, how we feel and how we look are fueled by food. Understanding what drives our personal food choices and eating patterns is the first step toward nutritional health and physical healing.

In the field of nutrition, one size does not fit all and the key to nutritional health is living a lifestyle which incorporates self-worth, intuition, variety, flexibility, and real food.

A goal of perfection and the all or nothing diet mentality make falling off the wagon inevitable. Instead, learn from yesterday, live for today and prepare for tomorrow. Don’t be a prisoner of restrictive dieting. Free yourself to be yourself and learn to love food for how it makes you feel – from the inside out. Cultivate your plate and you’ll likely find that your best self just needed a little extra nourishment to shine. 


Want the down and dirty, my real deal?

My personal struggle with body image and yo-yo dieting during adolescence led me to pursue a college degree in nutrition science. I entered college eating for weight control but left eating for health and longevity. Learning how nutrition can positively affect mood, energy, prevent disease, reverse disease and prolong life revitalized my relationship with food. I quit dieting, ditched the damn scale and have been nourishing lives ever since!

Before settling near family and expanding on my career in Kentucky, I worked in Arizona, Maryland, California and Texas. (My husband’s career moved us around over the years!) My unique experience working with diverse clients and cultures has enhanced my life and nutrition expertise.

My experience working as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist includes:

  • educating hospital patients on disease and diagnosis-specific meal plans to prevent further health decline and nutrition related readmissions
  • guiding clients suffering with eating disorders to eat intuitively, trust hunger and fullness cues, make peace with food and practice self-compassion
  • coaching bariatric surgery patients on balanced nutrition so they may return to comfortable weights and regain the energy needed to thrive in life
  • sitting chairside with renal dialysis patients to discuss their nutritional health concerns and resolve stress about food choices and meal-planning 
  • working with clients suffering from gastrointestinal upset to determine personal food triggers and resolve meal-related discomfort and anxiety


In late 2017, I decided to use my experience to start my private practice, Cultivate Your Plate. My nutritional knowledge, compassion, and strong desire to help others live happier, healthier, more energetic and fulfilling lives, keep my heart ticking! My husband and kids ceaselessly inspire me to be my best self, daily. We all love broccoli… and brownies.

That’s me, my real deal.

Nutritionally Yours,

Kate Boston